
MySQL : Java Database Connectivity

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) refers to a Java API (Application Program Interface) that facilitates communication between Java and a database. JDBC is a general term for a variety of databases. In this tutorial, we'll learn how to establish connectivity between Java and MySQL, so that we can perform the CRUD operations on our database using a java program.  Prerequisites : MySQL must be installed. If not, you can get it here . (Remember the password you provided for root user.) Download mysql jar file from here . Unzip the contents and copy mysql-connector-java-8.0.21 file and paste in a folder(C:\mysqlJar on my machine) and remember to include it in classpath while running our java program. Getting started with MySQL : Open command prompt , in that type  mysql -uroot -p{ Enter the password for root user } This command will open the MySQL prompt. Now let's see the basic commands. To create database : create database jdbcDB;  To create user :  create user 'jdbcuse...

ReactJS : Fetching Data From API

 In this article, we'll expand our knowledge of React to further horizons. To get started, check out this article .  Why communicate with server? For any application that stores or access data we need communication with server side. This makes the application more scalable and modifiable. Since React is basically a client-side tool, in this article we'll use tomcat as an Application Program Interface.There are several ways to fetch data from the server . Let's check out some of them. We'll see how to get data of employees of a company stored in JSON form from the API. Sending AJAX Request AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. It is a way of communicating with the server that helps in a more dynamic display of contents of a web application. Lets's see how it works. In my machine, this is the folder structure :  {..path upto tomcat webapps folder..} / webapps / reactApp > employees.json This is how I stored the data in employees.json :  [{ "id...

Understanding ReactJS, JSX, Babel

If you've been eyeing React for a while now, but haven't found the right foundation to jump from, this is just the place for you. What Is React?      R eact is a JavaScript library which was created by Facebook and is used for building dynamic user interfaces. Using React, we can create complex and interactive UI's by writing small and clear snippets of code in what is called 'components'. We can create different views for each state of our component and they 'render' automatically if state changes. Don't worry, you'll understand better after completing this.  What Is JSX?      JSX stands for JavaScript XML and it is an extension of JavaScript. It makes it easier to write and add HTML elements in React. Ultimately it is translated to JavaScript (in this article, we'll see how). We can write some variable or a JavaScript expression in curly braces({expression}).The value of the variable or the expression after evalu...